Number of items: 167.
Archisves as a Defense Syystem of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty_C26_home.
Archisves as a Defense Syystem of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty_Editorial Board.
Archisves as a Defense Syystem of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty_Table of Content.
Archives as a Defense Syystem of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty_Turnitin.
Beginner Voters, Participation in
The 2019 Election in Semarang_Turnitin.
Beginner Voters, Participation in The 2019 Election in Semarang_C26_Editorial Board.
Beginner Voters, Participation in The 2019 Election in Semarang_C26_Home.
Controversy of the capability of voters with mental health disorder in the general election_Indeks Jurnal.
The Development of Regional –Head Election Concept Without Suspect_C20_Home.
The Development of Regional –Head Election Concept Without Suspect_C20_Table of Content.
The Development of Regional-Head Election Conceptwithout Suspect_Turnitin.
Hasil Turnitin_DPD (Regional Representative Council), As A State Agevy of Indonesian State System, Runs The Authority of Its Role And Fungtion To Create The Exisetence of Bicameral System In Indonesia_Lita Tyesta_C_16.
Hasil Turnitin_Implikasi Partisipasi Masyaraakat pada Pilkada Serentak dalam Meningkatkan Memokrasi Konstitusional di Indonesia (Studi Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pilkada Serentak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2015_Lita Tyesta ALW.
Hasil Turnitin_Kajian Politik Hukum Tentang Perbahan Kewenangan Pemberian Izin Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara_Lita Tyesta ALW.
Hasil Turnitin_Mencari Alternatif Sistem Pemilu Kada Yang Efektif, Efisien dan Demokratis_Lita Tyesta ALW.
Hasil Turnitin_Reinforcement of Pancasila As A Philisophy of Regulation-Making_Lita Tyesta ALW.
The Influence of Culture on Gegeral Elections in Indonesia_C21_Cover.
The Influence of Culture on Gegeral Elections in Indonesia_Penulis 4 Negara_Abstrak.
The Influence of Culture on Gegeral Elections in Indonesia_Table of Content.
The Influence of Culture on General Elections in Indonesia_turnitin.
Law Reform_Indeks Jurnal Sinta 2.
The Legal Instrumen of Family Resilince in Central Java Province (Case Study of Regional Regulations on Family Resilience)_Cover.
The Legal Instrumen of Family Resilince in Central Java Province (Case Study of Regional Regulations on Family Resilience)_Table of Content.
The Legal Instrumen of Family Resilince in Central Java Province (Case Study of Regional Regulations on Family Resilience)_Turnitin.
The Legal Instruments of Family Resilience in Central Java Province (Case Study of Regional Regulations on Family Resilience)_Turnitin.
Masalah-Masalah Hukum_Indeks Jurnal Sinta 2.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Controversy of the capability of voters with mental health disorder in the general election.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_DPD (Regional Representative Council), As A State Agevy of Indonesian State System, Runs The Authority of Its Role And Fungtion.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Implications of Legal Positivism of the Promotion of Children’s Rights on National Law_Lita Tyesta ALW.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Kajian Politik Hukum Tentang Perbahan Kewenangan Pemberian Izin Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Person With Disabilities Protection Prospects Against Discriminatory Behavior.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Reinforcement of Pancasila As A Philisophy of Regulation-Making.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_The Influence of Culture on Gegeral Elections in Indonesia.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_The Politics of Law in Prohibiting Physical Violence for Domestic Workes in the Largest Economy in Somhheast Asia_LIta Tyesta ALW.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_The politics of judicial law in the development of the national health law.
Peer Review_Perda Berbasis Muatan Agama : Problematika, Pembinaan danPengawasan.
Peer Review_Turnitin dan Kelengkapan_Politik Dinasti Dalam Kajian Konstitusi Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi.
Peer review dan Kelengkapan_Archisves as a Defense Syystem of Indonesian Maritime Sovereignty.
Peer review dan Kelengkapan_Beginner Voters, Participation in The 2019 Election in Semarang.
Peer review dan Kelengkapan_The Legal Instrumen of Family Resilince in Central Java Province (Case Study of Regional Regulations on Family Resilience).
Person With Disabilities Protection Prospects Against
Discriminatory Behavior_Turnitin.
Person With Disabilities Protection Prospects Against Discriminatory Behavior_Penulis 4 Negara.
Person With Disabilities Protection Prospects Against Discriminatory Behavior_Table of Content.
Person With DisabilitiesProtection Prospects Against Discriminatory Behavior_Turnitin.
Politik Dinasti Dalam Kajian Konstitusi Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi_Turnitin.
Protection of Traditional Fishermen in The Granting of Fishery Licenses in Indonesia_Editorial Team.
Protection of Traditional Fishermen in The Granting of Fishery Licenses in Indonesia_Home_Cover.
Protection of Traditional Fishermen in The Granting of Fishery Licenses in Indonesia_Indeks Jurnal.
Protection of Traditional Fishermen in The Granting of Fishery Licenses in Indonesia_Table of Content.
Protection of Traditional Fishermen in The Granting of Fishery Licenses in Indonesia_Turnitin.
Setting The Asymmetry Election of The Regional Head As an Alternative For Realization of Democracy (Cace Study Of Pacasila Democresy in Republic of Indonesia)_C18_Cover.
Setting The Asymmetry Election of The Regional Head As an Alternative For Realization of Democracy (Cace Study Of Pacasila Democresy in Republic of Indonesia)_C18_Editorial Board 4 Negara.
Setting The Asymmetry Election of The Regional Head As an Alternative For Realization of Democracy (Cace Study Of Pacasila Democresy in Republic of Indonesia)_C18_Penulis 4 Negara.
Setting The Asymmetry Election of The Regional Head As an Alternative For Realization of Democracy (Cace Study Of Pacasila Democresy in Republic of Indonesia)_C18_TOC highlight Penulis.
Syarat Khusus Tambahan 1_Pernah Menguji Sekurang-kurangnya Tiga Mahasiswa Doktor_Lita Tyesta.
Turnitin_Controversy of the capability of voters with mental health disorder in the general election.
The politics of judicial law in the development of the national health law_Indeks Jurnal.
Menyoal Proteksi Ekspresi Budaya.
Rent Soil Theory Versus Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia:Environment Law Perspective.
Regional Expansion of Susukan Subdistrict, Semarang
Regency in the Context of Improving Village
Community Services.
Adoption Of Financial Technology In Crowdfunding As Business Financing In Indonesia_korespondensi.
Adoption of Financial Technology in Crowdfunding as Business Financing in Indonesia_Hasil Turnitin.
Adoption of Financial Technology in Crowdfunding as Business Financing in Indonesia_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Development and Setting of Mutual Funds in Indonesia_korespondesi.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Al Hisbah Contxtualization in The Business Competition law in Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Asosiasi Usaha dalam Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Usaha_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Development and Setting of Mutual Fund in Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Existence and Position of Islamic Economics Law in Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Kebijakan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sebagai Strategi Hukum dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Kebijakan tata Kelola Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) di Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Legal Consequences of Dualism Regulation of Micro Waqf Bank as a Sharia Microfinance Institution in Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Legal Regulation and Protentions for The Parties in Tha Franchise Business Agreement in Indonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Online Insurance Existence in Indonesia Based on Islamic Legal Perspective as a Protection of Spiritual Rights_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Investor Emas_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Nasabah Perbankan Pengguna CRM (Cash Recycling Machine)_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Prinsip Surat Kuasa mutlak dalam Rpat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Realizing the Legal Certainty of Calculating Fines Business Competition Law_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_SOEs Under The Soeharto's New Order Regime and Reformasi Era _Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_The Effect of Logistics Management, Supply Chain of Facilitiesand Competitive Storage costs on the Useof Warehouse Financing of AAgricultural Product_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_The Indonesian Business Competition Law: How The Police Plays Role?_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review dan Kelengkapan_Trends of Global Values in Legal Political Formation of Intelectual Property Law im Imdonesia_Paramita Prananingtyas.
Peer Review_Commercial Paper dalam Pembiayaan Perusahaan.
Peer Review_Hukum Persaingan Usaha.
Peer Review_Sejarah Perkembngan Surat Berharga.
Syarat Khusus Tambahan Guru Besar_Paramita Prananningtyas.
Turnitin_Al-Hisbah Contextualization In The Business Competition Law In Indonesia.
Turnitin_Asosiasi Usaha Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Persaingan Indonesia.
Turnitin_Development and Setting of Mutual Funds in Indonesia.
Turnitin_Existence And Position Of Islamic Economic Laws In Indonesia.
Turnitin_Kebijakan Tata Kelola Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Di
Turnitin_Legal Consequences of Dualism Regulations on Micro Waqf Bank as a Sharia Microfinancial Institution in Indonesia.
Turnitin_Legal Regulation And Protections For The Parties In The Franchise Business Agreements In Indonesia.
Turnitin_Online Insurance Existence In Indonesia Based On Islamic Legal Perspective As A Protection Of Spiritual Rights.
Turnitin_Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Investor Emas.
Turnitin_Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Nasabah Perbankan Pengguna CRM (Cash Recycling Machine).
Turnitin_Prinsip Surat Kuasa Mutlak Dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa.
Turnitin_Realizing The Legal Certainty Of Calculating Fines Business Competition Law.
Turnitin_SOEs under the Soeharto’s New Order Regime and Reformasi
Turnitin_The Effect Of Logistics Management, Supply Chain Facilities And Competitive Storage Costs On The Use Of Warehouse Financing Of Agricultural Products.
Turnitin_The Indonesian Business Competition Law: How the Police Plays a Role?
Turnitin_Trends Of Global Values In Legal Political Formation Of Intellectual Property Law In Indonesia.
Correlation Between Constitutional Changes and Development Paradigm on Regional Development Planning_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Correlation Between Constitutional Changes and Development Paradigm on Regional Development Planning_Turnitin.
Developing Anti Domestic Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia_Peer Review.
Developing Anti Domestic Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia_Turnitin.
Examining Local Policy to Improve Women’s Participation in Village Politics : A Case Study in Semarang Regency, Indonesia_Turnitin dan Peer Review.
The Fulfillment Of Comprehensive Child Rights To Health In Lpka Karang Asem Bali_Peer Review.
The Fulfillment Of Comprehensive Child Rights To Health In Lpka Karang Asem Bali_Turnitin.
Gender – Equality Develoment Strategy for Fisherwomen in Morodemak Village_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Gender – Equality Develoment Strategy for Fisherwomen in Morodemak Village_Turnitin.
The Impact of Indonesian Law No. 6/2014 on Women’s Political Participation in the Politics of Kelurahan: A Study on Kelurahan’s Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK) in Salatiga, Indonesia_Turnitin.
The Impact of Indonesian Law No. 62014 on Women’s Political Participation in the Politics of Kelurahan A Study on Kelurahan’s Community Empowerment Institution (LPMK) in Salatiga, Indonesia_Peer Review.
Implementasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 20/PUU-XI/2013 Pada Penetapan Calon Legislatif Perempuan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah_Turnitin.
Implementasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 20PUU-XI2013 Pada Penetapan Calon Legislatif Perempuan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah_Peer Review.
Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 on Villages Related to The Political Participation of Women in Village Regulation in Indonesia_Peer Review.
Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 on Villages Related to The Political Participation of Women in Village Regulation in Indonesia_Turnitin.
Kekerasan Berbasis Gender_Peer Review.
Kriminalisasi Perempuan Pekerja seks Komersial dalam perluasan Pasal Zina RUU KUHP_Peer Review.
Kriminalisasi Perempuan Pekerja seks Komersial dalam perluasan Pasal Zina RUU KUHP_turnitin.
Labor supervision policy in Indonesian legal system based on Pancasila_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Labor supervision policy in Indonesian legal system based on Pancasila_Turnitin.
Legal Politics The Amandement Of Regional Head Electronal Law_Peer Review.
Legal Politics The Amandement Of Regional Head Electronal Law_Turnitin.
Normativity of Scientific Law in the Perspective of Neo-Kantian Schools of Thought_Peer Review.
Normativity of Scientific Law in the Perspective of Neo-Kantian Schools of Thought_Turnitin.
Optimalization of Legal Protection for Female Housemids in Indonesia_Peer Review.
Optimalization of Legal Protection for Female Housemids in Indonesia_Turnitin.
Partisipasi Perempuan Pada Lembaga Legislatif Tahun 2014-2019 di Provinsi Jawa Timur_Peer Review.
Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan di Kota Demak_Peer Review.
Perkembangan Politik Hukum Pengaturan Keterwakilan Perempuan Dalam Pemilu Legislatif di Indonesia_Peer Review.
Politik Hukum Affirmative Action Policy Pasca Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 20/PUU-XI/2013_Peer Review.
Quota Law’s For Women In Politics: Implementation In Indonesia_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Quota Law’s For Women In Politics: Implementation In Indonesia_Turnitin.
Strategi Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak melalui RUU Kekerasan Saksual_Peer Review.
Strategies of Improving Women Parcipation in Legislative Institusion in East Java Province_Peer Review dan Kelengkapan.
Strategies of Improving Women Parcipation in Legislative Institusion in East Java Province_Turnitin.
Strategising Local Regulations on Women’s Representation in Village Policymaking as a Realisation of Sustainable Development Goals: A Study on Semarang Regency_Korespondensi Jurnal.
Strategising Local Regulations on Women’s Representation in Village Policymaking as a Realisation of Sustainable Development Goals: A Study on Semarang Regency_Turnitin.
Strategising Local Regulations on Women’s Representation in Village Policymaking as a Realisation of Sustainable Development Goals: A Study on Semarang Regency”_Peer Review.
Syarat Khusus Tambahan_Membimbing dan Menguji Mahasiswa Program Doktor.
Women Rights Fulfillment As The Victim Of Gross Human Rights Violation: Urgency For The Sexual Violence Eradication Bill_Turnitin.
Women Rights Fulfillment As The Victim Of Gross Human Rights Violation_Peer Review.
Business Development of Copyright and Fiduciary Guarantee in Indonesia.
Comparison of Trademark Counterfeiting Laws that Harm Human Health in Indonesia and the United States.
Asas dan Tujuan Pemidanaan Dalam Perkembangan Teori Pemidanaan_Umi Rozah_Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_1.
Contribution of Restorative Justice Practice in Baduy's Culture Criminal Justice Syestem Reform_Umi Rozah_ Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_8.
Delik Zina : Unsur Subtansial dan Penyelesaianya dalam Masyarakat adat Madura_Umi Rozah_ Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_6.
Environmental Maintenance through the Application of Adat
(Criminal) Sanctions on Baduy Communities.
Forgifveness and penal mediation in trivial or insignificance Criminal cases settlement based on Imndonesian local wisdom_Peer Review.
Forgifveness and penal mediation in trivial or insignificance Criminal cases settlement based on Imndonesian local wisdom_Umi Rozah_Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_2.
Kendala Praktek Hukum Sebagai Akibat Perubahan Sistem Hukum Pidana" (Telaah Kiritis Terhadap R-KUHP)_Umi Rozah_ Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_9.
Membangun Kontruksi Politik Hukum Mediasi Penal Sebagai Alternatif penyelesaian perkara Pidana_Umi Rozah_Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_4.
The Parental Responsibility Concept in Replicing Criminal Responsibility of Child Parent ( The Study of Indonesian Tribes in lampung and Aga Balinese Tribes)_Umi Rozah_Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_3.
Peer Review_Delik Zina : Unsur Subtansial dan Penyelesaianya dalam Masyarakat adat Madura.
Peer Review_Kendala Praktek Hukum Sebagai Akibat Perubahan Sistem Hukum Pidana" (Telaah Kiritis Terhadap R-KUHP).
Peer Review_Problematika Penerapan Logika Posivistik dalam penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Tuntutan keadilan Sunstantantif.
Peer Review_The Parental Responsibility Concept in Replicing Criminal Responsibility of Child Parent ( The Study of Indonesian Tribes in lampung and Aga Balinese Tribes).
Problematika Penerapan Logika Posivistik dalam penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Tuntutan keadilan Sunstantantif_Umi Rozah_Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_5.
Turnitin_Contribution of RestorativeJustice Practice in Baduy’sCulture Criminal Justice SystemReform.
Turnitin_The Penal Policy on CyberAdultery.
The penal Policy on Cyber Adultery_Umi Rozah_ Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang atau Peer Review_C_7.
Ecocides as a Serious Human Rights Violation: A Study on the Case of River Pollution by the Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia.
Berita Acara Pertimbangan/Persetujuan Senat Akademik Universitas Diponegoro No. 21/UN7.2/BA/2021.
Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Diponegoro.
Surat Pengantar Pengajuan Pengangkatan Guru Besat Tidak Tetap pada Universitas Diponegoro.
Strategi Communal Branding.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 03:03:37 2025 WIB.