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Number of items: 70.


The Sacred Meanings of Yearly “Dreadlock Haircut Ritual” As A Blessing Expectation for Dieng Plateau Society.


Alih Aksara (Suntingan Teks) Durrat Al Faraid Bisyarh Al Aqoid Karya Syekh Nuruddin Arraniri. M. Abdullah.

Alih Aksara (Suntingan Teks) Syarh Al Hikam Karya KH. Shaleh Darat. M. Abdullah.


Peer C2 Dhanang.

Peer C3 Dhanang.

Peer C5 Dhanang.

Peer C6 Dhanang.

Peer C7 Dhanang.


The Architecture of SANTI-Morf’s Guesser Module.

A Collocation Analysis of Energy in Brown Family Corpus.

Communication Patterns of Sendhang Si Dhukun as a Javanese Symbol to Balance Javanese Ideology and their Social Environment.

The Influence of Students L1 and Spoken English In English Writing: a Corpus-Based Research.

The Morphological Annotation of Reduplication-Circumfix Intersection in Indonesian.

Pengantar Linguistik Korpus : Lensa Digital Data Bahasa.

SANTI-morf dictionaries.

TAGIN (Program Anotasi Kelas Kata Dan Kata Dasar Pada Teks Berbahasa Indonesia).

Tweaking NooJ’s Resources to Export Morpheme-Level or Intra-word.

Vocabulary Index as a Sustainable Resource for Teaching Extended Writing in the Post-Pandemic Era.

An evaluation of MorphInd's morphological annotation scheme for Indonesian.

The harmonious relationship between human beings and nature in traditional song lyric during sintren ritual.

Bukti Reviewer Acknowledgement at Journal Radio and Audio Media.

Peer C1 Dhanang.

Peer C11 Dhanang.

Peer C12 Dhanang.

Peer C15 Dhanang.

Peer C16 Dhanang.

Peer C17 Dhanang.

Peer C18 Dhanang.

Peer C19 Dhanang.

Peer C20 Dhanang.

Peer C21 Dhanang.

Peer C22 Dhanang.

Peer C23 Dhanang.

Peer C24 Dhanang.

Peer C25 Dhanang.

Peer C26 Dhanang.

Peer C27 Dhanang.

Peer C4 Dhanang.

Peer C8 Dhanang.

Peer C9 Dhanang.

Peer Review C14 Dhanang.

Pertunjukan Kethoprak Ngesti Pandowo, 1950-1996.

Turnitin Environmental Themes in Gendhing-Gendhing Ki Nartosabdho and Its Dissemination.

Turnitin 2019 Kiai Ahmad Fauzan Pemikiran dan Peranannya.

Turnitin 2019 Peranan Perguruan Tinggi di Semarang dalam Pelestarian Wayang ORang Ngesti Pandowo.

Turnitin Acceptance of Javanese Karawitan in Japan: Appreciation of traditional culture and community activities.

Turnitin Bintang Radio Contest as Effort to Build a National Identity, 1950s.

Turnitin Biografi Seniman PahatBatu Dulkamid Djayaprana 1960-2013.

Turnitin Covid-19 Pandemic, Javanese Rituals, and.

Turnitin Didi Kempot Dari Pengamen Jalanan Ke Penyanyi Terkenal, 1982-2013.

Turnitin Dinamika Kehidupan Kethoprak di Kabupaten Pati 1950-2007.

Turnitin Discotheque in Semarang and It’s Social Consequences, 1970-1998.

Turnitin Environmental Themes in Gendhing-Gendhing.

Turnitin From Komedie Stambul to Toneel Theatre Arts Development in Batavia, 1891-1942.

Turnitin How the Public in the US Responded to Javanese and Balinese Performing Arts.

Turnitin Incorporating Javanese Gamelan Music As Democratic.

Turnitin Islamic and Dutch Schools in Jambi During Colonial Era.


Turnitin Lawatan Misi Kesenian Mangkunegaran ke Mancanegara 1989 Kontribusi bagi Pembangunan Nasional.

Turnitin Ledjar Subroto An Artist.

Turnitin Making Connection Integrating Gamelan Music.

Turnitin Menjadi Penyanyi Istana Negara.

Turnitin Rising Sun in the Eastern Horizon of Java.

Turnitin Sandiwara Daerahof Radio Republik Indonesia Yogyakarta and Surakarta, 1950s-1990s.

Turnitin The Pattern of Social Changes in the Samin Community and Its Influencing Factors.

Turnitin The Policies of Balai Pustaka as the Dutch Colonial.

Turnitin Tracing the Notion of Rural Environmental.

Turnitin Wayang Orang Panggung Sebagai Hiburan Massa Tinjauan dari Perspektif Sejarah.


Turnitin Past Experiences and Attitude on Vaccination.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 08:04:59 2025 WIB.