Number of items: 69.
Turnitin Konvergensi Media Surat Kabar Harian Lokal Jateng Pos.
TOP 99 Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Indonesia 2016.
Peer Review Analisis Kinerja Perusahaan.
Peer review Kajian Kebijakan Sosial (Kajian tentang Kebijakan Pendidikan (BOS), Kesehatan (JAMKESMA) dan Perlindungan Anak.
Peer review Orientasi Pasar.
Peer review The Implementation of Alternative Dispute Resolution Model For Conflict Resolution To Improve Public Service Of Indonesian Police : Society Conflict Resolution By The Implementation Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Case Study in Polresta Surakarta/Surakarta Police.
peer review Analisis Data Penelitian Dengan Program Gesca.
peer review Analisis Data Variabel Mediasi dan Moderasi Dalam Riset Bisnis.
peer review Analisis Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 : 2008 Pada Badan Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu (BPPT) Kota Semarang.
peer review Bureacratic Reform : A Way to Eliminate Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Practices In Indonesia.
peer review Collaborative Governance : Efforts to improve the Quality of Public Transportation Services in Indonesia.
peer review Collaborative Governance Framework in Health Care : A Qualitative Exploration of Hospital Pharmacy Management Reform At Hospital Setting in Indonesia.
peer review Forming Process, Pattern and The Need for Intergovernmental Management in Indonesia.
peer review Inovasi Layanan MPOSPRAY dan Free Pick Up Pos Indonesia Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan (Studi pada kantor Pos Semarang 50000).
peer review Instutional Analysis On Poverty Reduction Program in The Society : A Case Study Of National Program For Community.
peer review Kolaborasi Penanganan Bencana.
peer review One Agency One Innovation and Study of Its Scope.
peer review Pengaruh Return On Assets (ROA) Terhadap Harga Saham dengan Earning Per Share (EPS) sebagai Intervening (Studi kasus pada perusahaan Sub Sektor Tekstil dan Garmen yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2016.
peer review Quality of The Preschool Education in the RaihatSubdistrict Belu Regency Nusa Tenggara Timur.
peer review The Management Of Guidelines Technique Known As Bimtek Of Regional Representative In Central Java Province.
peer review The Management of Border Area Between Indonesia Republic and Papua New Guinea in SOTA Region of Merauke District.
peer review The Mission of Basic Education That Is Overlooked in the Border Country (Case Study of Education Special Services for Indonesian Labor Child in Sebatik Island Indonesia-Malaysia Border).
pengaruh Return on Assets (ROA) Terhadap harga Saham dengan Earning Per Share (EPS) sebagai Intervening (Studi kasus pada perusahaan sub Sektor Tekstil dan Garmen yang Terdaftar di BUrsa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2016).
Pemaknaan Lokal Terhadap Teks Global Melalui Analisis Tema Fantasi.
Buku Transformasi Pelayanan Publik.
Kajian Kebijakan Sosial (kajian Tentang Kebijakan Pendidikan BOS, Jamkesmas, Kebijakan Sosial 2014).
Effect Of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Business Performance.
Turnitin Integrative Model of The Implementation of e-WOM Destination Image and Intention Behave.
Green Brand Products in Small and Medium Batik Industries With Pls-Sem Approach.
turnitin Green Brand Product in Small and Medium Batik Industries with Pls-Sem Approach.
Buku Ajar Metodologi Penelitian.
Effect of Brand Communication and Experience on Loyalty : Mediating Effect of Brand Satisfaction and Trust (Case Study of Customers of Inul Vista Karaoke Semarang, Central Java Indonesia).
Effects of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on Indonesian Exports and Imports to ASEAN Countries.
Perkembangan Perspektif Dalam Teori Keunggulan Kompetitif Yang Berkelanjutan.
Prosiding A Survey of Market Orientation in Public and Nonprofit Organization (M)-PNPO) Research (2005-2015).
Turnitin A survey on The Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation (2005-2015).
Turnitin Effects Of The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on Indonesian Exports and Imports to ASEAN Countries.
korespondensi The Role of Adaptive Ability in Firm Performance Moderating Effect Of Firm Size and Age.
Moderating Effect of Environment Complexity and Asset Risk Taking On The Relation Between Diversification And Firm Value : Evidence From the Indonesian Insurance Industry.
Moderation Effects Of Organisational Environment on The Relationship Between Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Central Java Rural Bank, Indonesia.
Human Capital Entrepreneurial Capital and SME's Performance of Traditional Herbal Industries in Central Java Indonesia : The Mediating Effect of Competitive Advantage.
The Role of Adaptive Ability in Firm Performance Moderating Effect of Firm Size and Age.
Turnitin The Role of Adaptive Ability in Firm Performance Moderating Effect Of Firm Size and Age.
Bukti Desiminasi Seminar Internasional APRU.
Peer Review Kebebasan Media 20 Tahun Setelah Reformasi : Telaah dari Lingkungan Ekonomi-Politik.
Linking of Customer and Competitot Orientation on Business Performance.
3. Turnitin Regulasi dan Moderasi Konten pada Platform Digital.
Peer Review Kampanye Gerakan Lingkungan dan Aktivisme Online di Media Sosial (Studi Kasus Pada Aktivisme Sustainable Fashion di Media Sosial Instagram).
Turnitin Adolescents in Virtual Forum: Playing, Socializing, or Engaging in Public Issues?
Turnitin Because the sky is the limit: Interpretive phenomenological analysis of millennial elementary school teachers using digital technology in the classroom.
Turnitin Digital Media Literacy in Reading and Understanding Health-Related Information on the Internet and Social Media.
Turnitin Fenomena Extreme Speech pada Ruang Virtual: Memahami Perilaku Ujaran Kasar di Media Sosial.
Turnitin Kampanye Gerakan Lingkungan dan Aktivisme Online di Media Sosial (Studi Kasus Pada Aktivisme Sustainable Fashion di Media Sosial Instagram).
Turnitin Memahami Penggunaan dan Motivasi Akun Anonim Instagram di Kalangan Remaja.
Turnitin Pengetahuan tentang Covid-19 (Covid Literacy) di Kalangan Masyarakat Indonesia di Masa Pandemi Lanjut.
Turnitin Scientific Knowledge of Peatland Use and Risks and Media: Study of Peatland Information in Online Media in Indonesia.
Turnitin The Digital Media Impact On The Well-Being Of Children: A Systematic Literature Review.
Turnitin The Role of Social Media Use in Peer Bullying Victimization and Onset of Anxiety Among Indonesian Elementary School Children.
Turnitin The politics of local government environmental evaluations: Assessing bureaucracy in post-Reformasi Indonesia.
Turnitin Transnational Comparative Framing Analysis of South China Sea Conflict In Southeast Asian Online Media Coverage.
Peningkatan Pembelian Ulang Melalui Promosi, Citra Perusahaan, Pelayanan dengan Mediasi Kepuasan Pelanggan.
Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah B-7 Widyandan Sasikirana.
Roles of Innovationinmediating Business Creativityto Improve Marketing Performance.
Turnitin Roles Of Innovationinmediating Business Creativityto Improve Marketing Performance.
Turnitin Birokrasi baru Untuk New Normal : Tinjauan Model Perubahan Birokrasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik di Era Covid-19.
Environmental Education Policy Implementation Through Participatory Environmental Activity Based in Senior High School (SMA) 2 Pati, Central Java, Indonesia.
Komunikasi "Penyesuaian Diri Kembali" Pkerja Migran Perempuan Yang Kembali ke Daerah Asal.
Turnitin Analisis Implementasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 : 2008 pada Badan Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu (BPPT) Kota Semarang.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 08:18:28 2025 WIB.