Number of items: 114.
Bukti Korespondensi: Amelioration of obesity-related metabolic disorders via supplementation of Caulerpa lentillifera in rats fed with a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet.
Bukti Korespondensi: Effects of Dietary Interventions on Gut Microbiome in Overweight or Obese Adults: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Bukti Korespondensi: Mangrove fruit (Bruguiera gymnorhiza) increases circulating GLP-1 and PYY, modulates lipid profiles, and reduces systemic inflammation by improving SCFA levels in obese wistar rats.
Bukti Korespondensi: The effect of dietary modification on executive function domains in adult individuals with obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Bukti Korespondensi:The effect of fibre intervention on serum and faecal short-chain fatty acids in human with overweight or obesity: a systematic review of human intervention studies.
Peer Review: Effects of Dietary Interventions on Gut Microbiome in Overweight or Obese Adults: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Peer Review: Effects of Sorghum Cookies (Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench) on Fasting Glucose, Triglyceride, High-Density Lipoprotein level, and Body Fat Percentage in Adolescent Obesity.
Peer Review: Food Consumption in Relation to Hyperglycemia in Middle-Aged Adults (45−59 years): A Cross-Sectional National Data Analysis.
Peer Review: Hubungan Pola Makan dan Aktivitas Fisik denganObesitas Sentral pada Usia Lanjut di Indonesia: Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar.
Peer Review: Mangrove fruit (Bruguiera gymnorhiza) increases circulating GLP-1 and PYY, modulates lipid profiles, and reduces systemic inflammation by improving SCFA levels in obese wistar rats.
Peer Review: The effect of dietary modification on executive function domains in adult individuals with obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Peer Review: The effect of fibre intervention on serum and faecal short-chain fatty acids.
Peer Review: The effect of fibre intervention on serum and faecal short-chain fatty acids in human with overweight or obesity: a systematic review of human intervention studies.
Peer Review:Amelioration of obesity-related metabolic disorders via supplementation of Caulerpa lentillifera in rats fed with a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet.
Peer Review:Hepatogomax Improves Serum Albumin and Transaminase Enzymes Activity Levels in Sprague Dawley Rats Liver Cirrhosis.
Turnitin: Effects of Dietary Interventions on Gut Microbiome in Overweight or Obese Adults: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Turnitin: Effects of Sorghum Cookies (Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench) on Fasting Glucose, Triglyceride, High-Density Lipoprotein level, and Body Fat Percentage in Adolescent Obesity.
Turnitin: Hubungan Pola Makan dan Aktivitas Fisik denganObesitas Sentral pada Usia Lanjut di Indonesia: Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar.
Turnitin: Mangrove fruit (Bruguiera gymnorhiza) increases circulating GLP-1 and PYY, modulates lipid profiles, and reduces systemic inflammation by improving SCFA levels in obese wistar rats.
Turnitin: The Effect of Fibre Intervention on Serum and Faecal Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Human with Overweight or Obesity: A Systematic Review of Human Intervention Studies.
Turnitin: The effect of dietary modification on executive function domains in adult individuals with obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Turnitin:Food Consumption in Relation to Hyperglycemia in Middle-Aged Adults (45−59 years): A Cross-Sectional National Data Analysis.
Turnitin:Hepatogomax Improves Serum Albumin and Transaminase Enzymes Activity Levels in Sprague Dawley Rats Liver Cirrhosis.
Bukti korespondensi dan sertifikat paten dr. Diana Nur Afifah - Gizi FK Undip.
Turnitin dr. Diana Nur Afifah - Gizi FK Undip.
Berkas Korespondensi : Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anaemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study.
Ethical Clearance : Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anaemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study.
Turnitin : Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study.
Turnitin Lektor Kepala Anggorowati.
Ethical Clearance : A qualitative description of nurses' problems to monitor and supervise vital signs in COVID-19 patients in isolation room.
The Effect of Islamic Spiritual Mindfulness on Self-Efficacy in Anger Management among Schizophrenic Patients.
Sex Estimation using direct gonial angle measurement in 16-24 Years Old Indonesian Population.
The Associated Factors of Quality of Life among Stroke Survivors: A Study in Indonesia.
Bukti review dr. Rebriarina Hapsari-Mikrobiologi.
Hasil Turnitin dr. Rebriarina Hapsari - Mikrobiologi.
Ethical Clearance : Survey of Knowledge Transformation Among Nursing Students During the Online Learning Methods.
Hasil Review : A qualitative description of nurses' problems to monitor and supervise vital signs in COVID-19 patients in isolation room.
Hasil Review : Animated educational video using health belief model on the knowledge of anaemia prevention among female adolescents: An intervention study.
Hasil Review : Description of the usefulness and ease of use wireless stethoscope for auscultation: A pilot study.
Hasil Review : Edukasi Spiritual Islam pada Pasien Kanker Payudara.
Hasil Review : Factor Affecting the Quality of Life Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients: A Literature Review.
Hasil Review : Karya Rekaman Video : Intervensi Pijat Refleksi.
Hasil Review : Karya Rekaman Video : Video Pembelajaran Pengkajian Auskultasi Jantung dan Patu-Paru Menggunakan Stetoskop Bluetooth.
Hasil Review : Modul Panduan Penggunaan E-Skristroke (Elektronik Skrining Stroke) untuk Melakukan Pengkajian Awal pada Pasien Stroke.
Hasil Review : Modul Panduan Pengukuran Berat Badan.
Hasil Review : Modul PanduanPerhitungan Dosis Inotropik.
Hasil Review : Nurses' Resilience During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review.
Hasil Review : Panduan Penggunaan Alat Stetoskop Bluetooth dan Pengkajian Auskultasi Jantung, Paru-Paru Menggunakaan Stetoskop Bluetooth.
Hasil Review : Panduan Perhitungan Estimasi Insensible Water Loss pada Pasien Kritis Berdasarkan Berat Badan.
Hasil Review : Resilience of human immunodeficiency virus patients: A concept analysis.
Hasil Review : Survey of Knowledge Transformation Among Nursing Students During the Online Learning Methods.
Hasil review : Karya Rekaman Video : Intervensi Massase Wajah untuk Mengatasi Kelelahan.
Turnitin : A qualitative description of nurses' problems to monitor and supervise vital signs in COVID-19 patients in isolation room.
Turnitin : Nurses’ Resilience During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review.
Turnitin : Survey of Knowledge Transformation among Nursing Students During the Online Learning Methods.
Panduan Penggunaan Alat Stetoskop Bluetooth dan Pengkajian Auskultasi Jantung, Paru-Paru Menggunakaan Stetoskop Bluetooth.
Sertifikat Haki : Panduan Penggunaan Alat Stetoskop Bluetooth dan Pengkajian Auskultasi Jantung, Paru-Paru Menggunakaan Stetoskop Bluetooth.
Sertifkat Haki : Karya Rekaman Video : Video Pembelajaran Pengkajian Auskultasi Jantung dan Patu-Paru Menggunakan Stetoskop Bluetooth.
Modul Panduan Penggunaan E-Skristroke (Elektronik Skrining Stroke) untuk Melakukan Pengkajian Awal pada Pasien Stroke.
Sertifikat Haki : Modul Panduan Penggunaan E-Skristroke (Elektronik Skrining Stroke) untuk Melakukan Pengkajian Awal pada Pasien Stroke.
Sertifikat Haki : Karya Rekaman Video : Intervensi Massase Wajah untuk Mengatasi Kelelahan.
Sertifikat Haki : Karya Rekaman Video : Intervensi Pijat Refleksi.
Panduan Perhitungan Estimasi Insensible Water Loss pada Pasien Kritis Berdasarkan Berat Badan.
Sertifikat Haki : Panduan Perhitungan Estimasi Insensible Water Loss pada Pasien Kritis Berdasarkan Berat Badan.
Buku Bahan Pengajaran a.n dr. Innawati Jusup.
bukti review dr. Innawati Jusup.
Hasil Turnitin Prof. Tri Nur Kristina 2.
Hasil review Prof. Tri Nur Kristina.
Turnitin Prof. Tri Nur Kristina.
Kelengkapan Berkas Pengusulan Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala Niken Safitri Dyan K. (Keperawatan).
Turnitin Pengajuan Lektor Kepala Niken Safitri Dyan K.
Application of Third Molar Maturity Index for Indonesia Minimum Legal Age of Marriage.
Vitamin D paparan sinar matahari untuk mencegah covid-19 Fakta atau mitos.
Turnitin dr. Ika Pawitra Miranti.
Turnitin dr. Ika Pawitra Miranti-PA.
Edukasi Spiritual Islam pada Pasien Kanker Payudara.
Sertifikat Haki : Edukasi Spiritual Islam pada Pasien Kanker Payudara.
Hasil Review dr. Zulfikar Naftali.
Bukti review dr. Eriawan Agung Nugroho.
Turnitin dr Heri Nugroho.
Turnitin dr Heri Nugroho 2.
Factors Influencing the Delayin Negative Conversion of PCR Swab Test Resultsin Patients with COVID-19.
Hasil Review Publikasi Devi Nurmalia (Lektor).
Ethical Clearance : Resilience of human immunodeficiency virus patients: A concept analysis.
Ethical Clearance : Description of the usefulness and ease of use wireless stethoscope for
auscultation: A pilot study.
Turnitin : Description of the usefulness and ease of use wireless stethoscope for
auscultation: A pilot study.
TURNITIN dr. Enny Probosari - Gizi Klinik.
Lampiran bukti review dr. Tun Paksi Sareharto.
Kajian Literatur: Massage untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur Pasien Kritis.
Kajian Literatur: Massage untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur Pasien Kritis.
Correlation between vitamin D levels and anthropometry status in neonates 150.
Turnitin dan korespondensi dr. Amellia N. Setyawati.
Artikel Tambahan Lektor Kepala Untung Sujianto.
Bukti Korespondensi Artikel HNHS PPI (Madya Sulisno Lektor).
Turnitin PPI (HNHS) Madya Sulisno (Lektor).
Hasil Turnitin Endang Sri Sunarsih.
bukti review Endang Sri Sunarsih.
The Expression of TNF-a in RAS: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Compliance of Iron Suplementation, Prevalence And Determinant of Anemia In Pregnant Women.
Dupak dr. Aras Utami (Penelitian).
Lembar Reviewer Dupak Penelitian dr. Aras Utami, M.P.H, AAK.
Turnitin dr. Aras Utami.
Turnitin dr. Aras Utami, M.P.H., AAK.
Nurse's Obstacles in Delivering End of Life Care.
Nurse's Obstacles in Delivering End of Life Care.
Hsp70 promotes maturation of uromodulin mutants that cause familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy and suppresses cellular damag.
Turnitin dr. Arinta Puspita Wati.
Liquid Smoke (Wood Vinegar) Potential As An Antiseptics Agent In Dentistry: A Systematic Review.
Factors Influencing the Delayin Negative Conversion of PCR Swab Test Resultsin Patients with COVID-19.
This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 07:40:39 2025 WIB.