Number of items: 58.
Buku Ajar Ekosistem Mangrove Coastal Blue Carbon.
Hubungan Tutupan Karang dengan Keanekaragaman Echinodermata di Pulau Karimunjawa, Jepara.
Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan (Indonesian Journal of Marine Science).
Bimbingan Thesis An. Michael Abbey National University of Singapore.
Bukti Korespondensi Abdul Ghofar.
Jurnal Coastal Development.
Contoh Paparan FPIK.
Effect of Cinnamon Leaves (Cinnamomun burmannii) Extract in the Diet on Growth Performances and Survival Rate of Milkfiish (Chanos chanos) Juveniles.
The Effect of Dietary Chromium on Growth and Survival Rate of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Hematological Performances of Catfish ‘SANGKURIANG’ (Clarias gariepinus, Burch.) Fed on Deits Containing Organic Chromium.
Hematological performances of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and media water qualities in culture system with bio-filtration pond.
Kondisi Kesehatan Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus, Burch) Yang Dipelihara Dengan Teknologi Biofloc (Health Conditions Of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus, Burch) Were Rearing With Biofloc Technology).
Performa Produksi Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus, Burch) Yang Dipelihara Dengan Teknologi Biofloc.
Performa Reproduksi Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio) dengan Strain Berbeda.
Preliminary Study of Various Intervals and Administration of Feed Enriched with Turmeric and Garlic on the Growth Performance of Catfish.
The Role of Filter with Different Media Compositions on Water Quality and Survival of Pangasius (Pangasius sp.) in Recirculation Aquaculture System.
Use of periodically hCG hormones injection for the gonadal development of java barb (Puntius javanicus) as bioreproduction applied on aquaculture.
Aplikasi teknologi intensif pada Budidaya ikan nila di saluran irigasi.
Application Of Biofloc Technology In Intensive Farming Affected Production And Blood Performances Of The Catfish [Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)].
Blood serum biochemistry responses and digestive enzyme activities of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) according to differentdietary protein level consumption.
Haematological parameters of theNorthAfrican catfishClarias gariepinusfarmedusing biofloc technology.
SISTEM BUDIDAYA IKAN LELE (Clarias gariepinus, BURCHELL,1822).
Teknologi Tepat Guna : Aplikasi Probiotik dalam Pakan pada Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus, Burchel).
Teknologi Tepat Guna Budidaya Ikan Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus, Buch, 1822) Sistem Biofloc (Pembesaran dan Pembenihan).
Blood performance of jaundice catfish Clarias gariepinus.
Hubungan Riwayat Paparan Pestisida pada Ibu Saat Hamil dan Menyusui dengan Gangguan Perkembangan Anak Usia 3-5 Tahun di Desa Candi Kecamatan Bandungan Kabupaten Semarang.
Characterization of Carotenoids from Bacterial Symbiont Virgibacillus salarius Strain 19.PP.Sc1.6 from Panjang Island, Jepara, North Java Sea Indonesia.
Composition, Size Distribution and Capture Rate of Float-Operated Lift Net in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi.
Peer Review Simpanan Karbon pada Ekosistem.
peer-kandungan klorofil.
peer-keanekaragaman perifiton.
peer-kelimpahan fitoplankton.
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan dan Kadar Timbal Dalam Darah: (Studi Pada Masyarakat yang Mengkonsumsi Tiram Bakau (Crassostrea gigas) di Sungai Tapak Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang).
Peer Review C5 Wilis Ari S.
Percentage cover, biomass, distribution, and potential habitat mapping of natural macroalgae, based on high-resolution satellite data and in situ monitoring, at Libukang Island, Malasoro Bay, Indonesia.
The Growth Performance of Larasati tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) Farming Using Bioflocs Technology.
Growth of Mangrove crab Scylla Serrata The Given Different Types of Feed (Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau Scylla Serrata Yang Diberi Berbagai Jenis Pakan).
Influence of protein and the level of energy-protein feed ratio on growth of banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis de Man).
Pengaruh Pemuasaan Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelulushidupan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus).
Performance of growth, nutrition value, total carotene, EPA, and DHA in eel (Anguilla bicolor) in the culture with enrichment of earthworm (Lumbricus sp.) flour.
The effects of dietary carbohydrate level on the growth performance, body composition and feed utilization of juvenile Kelabau (Osteochilus melanopleurus).
Aplikasi Manajemen Pemberian Pakan Induk Pada Pembenihan Ikan Lele (Clarias Gariepinus).
BERONANG Serta Prospek Budidaya Laut Di Indonesia_Hak_Cipta.
Beronang Serta Prospek Budidaya Laut di Indonesia.
Beronang Serta Prospek Budidaya Laut di Indonesia_Buku Cetakan ke-1.
Dietary protein levels affected on the growth and body composition of tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus).
Nutrisi Ikan.
Trivalent Chromium (Cr+3) In Dietary Carbohydrate And Its Effect On The Growth Of Commonly Cultivated Fish.
Feed utilization efficiency and growth of Java barb (Puntius javanicus) fed on dietary pineapple extract.
The effects of dietary protein level on the growth, protein efficiency ratio and body composition of juvenile kelabau (Osteochilus melanopleurus).
Dokumen Pendukung 1.
Dokumen Pendukung 2.
Dokumen Pendukung 3.
Dokumen Pendukung 4.
Peer - Buku Ajar Manajemen Bisnis Perikanan Tangkap.
Phytoplankton community structure and it’s relationships with water quality in Bangka Island, Indonesia.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 08:21:35 2025 WIB.